Bainbridge Turkey Trot

5k and 1 mile runs to benefit Helpline House

Runners and walkers of all ages – start your Thanksgiving Day right with a fun, active community event that supports local families in need. The 1st annual run in 2010 was a rousing success, raising $7400 for Helpline House and drawing participants from miles around on a chilly morning that was filled with smiles and good cheer despite the icy roads.  2011 is sure to be another exciting event!  Don’t miss great prizes and the perfect excuse for just one more slice of pie!  Don’t forget to dress up, there are prizes for creativity!

You can register in person at Island Fitness 190 Madison Avenue Bainbridge Is. Or register on site at 7:30 am at Battle Point Park.  Races begin at 8:30 am for the 1 mile and 9 am for the 5k.

This is a great way to support our community and earn your dinner.  Nothing like getting your workout in before the Tryptophan hits your blood stream! Have a gobblety good time!